• Power Point Short Keys

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Monday, May 15, 2023
    A- A+

     Power Point 100 Short Keys

    Ctrl + N: Create a new presentation.
    Ctrl + O: Open an existing presentation.
    Ctrl + S: Save the current presentation.
    Ctrl + P: Print the current presentation.
    Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + X: Cut the selected object.
    Ctrl + C: Copy the selected object.
    Ctrl + V: Paste the copied object.
    Ctrl + A: Select all objects in the slide.
    Ctrl + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + I: Apply or remove italic formatting.
    Ctrl + U: Apply or remove underline formatting.
    Ctrl + L: Align the text or object to the left.
    Ctrl + R: Align the text or object to the right.
    Ctrl + E: Align the text or object to the center.
    Ctrl + J: Justify the text or object.
    Ctrl + D: Duplicate the selected object.
    Ctrl + F: Find text or objects within the presentation.
    Ctrl + H: Replace text within the presentation.
    Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + N: Insert a new slide.
    Ctrl + M: Insert a new slide in outline view.
    Ctrl + W: Close the presentation.
    Ctrl + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste the copied formatting to the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply the normal style to the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + F: Open the font formatting dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Group the selected objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + U: Ungroup the selected objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Duplicate the selected slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Hide the selected slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Open the Slide Show view.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Start the presentation from the current slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open PowerPoint windows.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the shortcut menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Change the text to title case.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Change the text to all uppercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Change the text to all lowercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning.
    Ctrl + Alt + F9: Show or hide the ruler.
    Ctrl + Alt + F10: Show or hide the gridlines.
    Ctrl + Alt + F11: Show or hide the guides.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9: Recheck spelling.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F10: Display the menu or message for an Error Checking button.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F11: Run the Macro recorder.
    F1: Open PowerPoint Help.
    F5: Start the slide show from the beginning.
    F6: Move to the next pane or frame.
    F7: Check spelling.
    F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Ungroup the selected group of objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move to the previous placeholder or shape.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Move to the previous pane or frame.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Show or hide the ruler.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show or hide the gridlines.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Show or hide the guides.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + -: Decrease the font size of selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + +: Increase the font size of selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + &: Apply an outline border to the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + _: Remove the outline border from the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size of selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size of selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove a bulleted list.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply or remove a numbered list.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy formatting of the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste formatting to the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Duplicate the selected slide or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + X: Cut the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + W: Close the presentation window.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Save the presentation.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Print the presentation.
    Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the presentation as a new file.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Start the presentation from the current slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the "Save As" dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + F1: Open the task pane.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Spell check the selected text or document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the active shape while maintaining its aspect ratio.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Check spelling.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Run the Macro recorder.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Change text to title case.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Change text to uppercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Change text to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning.
    Ctrl + Alt + F7: Display the Thesaurus pane.
    Ctrl + Alt + F9: Check grammar.
    Ctrl + Alt + F10: Show or hide the grid and guides.
    Ctrl + Alt + F11: Activate the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document or Excel worksheet.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F10: Display the Research task pane.


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