• Word Short Keys

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Monday, May 15, 2023
    A- A+

    Word Short Keys - ALL

    Ctrl + A: Select all content in the document.
    Ctrl + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + D: Open the Font dialog box.
    Ctrl + E: Align the text or object to the center.
    Ctrl + F: Open the Find dialog box.
    Ctrl + G: Go to a specific page, section, or line.
    Ctrl + H: Open the Replace dialog box.
    Ctrl + I: Apply or remove italic formatting.
    Ctrl + J: Justify the text or object.
    Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + L: Align the text or object to the left.
    Ctrl + M: Indent the paragraph.
    Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
    Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
    Ctrl + P: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Q: Remove paragraph formatting.
    Ctrl + R: Align the text or object to the right.
    Ctrl + S: Save the document.
    Ctrl + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + U: Apply or remove underline formatting.
    Ctrl + V: Paste the copied text or object.
    Ctrl + W: Close the document.
    Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + 1: Set single line spacing.
    Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing.
    Ctrl + 5: Set 1.5 line spacing.
    Ctrl + ]: Increase font size.
    Ctrl + [: Decrease font size.
    Ctrl + Enter: Insert a page break.
    Ctrl + Shift + A: Change the selected text to uppercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Double underline the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + E: Switch the text direction to right-to-left.
    Ctrl + Shift + F: Change the font.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Find and replace with formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Apply or remove highlighting.
    Ctrl + Shift + I: Apply small capital letters.
    Ctrl + Shift + J: Justify the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + K: Format letters as small capitals.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove bullet points.
    Ctrl + Shift + M: Remove a paragraph indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply the normal style.
    Ctrl + Shift + O: Switch the text direction to left-to-right.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Change the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + Q: Apply or remove the paragraph symbol.
    Ctrl + Shift + R: Align the text to both the left and right margins.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Apply a style.
    Ctrl + Shift + T: Reduce a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + U: Switch between uppercase and lowercase letters.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste formatting only.
    Ctrl + Shift + W: Underline words but not spaces.
    Ctrl + Shift + X: Change the selected text to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + Y: Repeat the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Apply the heading 1 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Apply the heading 2 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Apply the heading 3 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + C: Copy the formatting of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Alt + D: Insert the current date.
    Ctrl + Alt + E: Track changes.
    Ctrl + Alt + F: Insert a footnote.
    Ctrl + Alt + H: Replace text with a formatted hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + I: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + K: Format as a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + L: Apply the list style.
    Ctrl + Alt + M: Insert a comment.
    Ctrl + Alt + N: Insert a page break.
    Ctrl + Alt + P: Insert a picture.
    Ctrl + Alt + Q: Remove paragraph formatting.
    Ctrl + Alt + R: Insert a trademark symbol.
    Ctrl + Alt + S: Split the document window.
    Ctrl + Alt + T: Insert the current time.
    Ctrl + Alt + U: Insert a field code.
    Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste special.
    Ctrl + Alt + W: Underline words but not spaces.
    Ctrl + Alt + X: Insert a non-breaking space.
    Ctrl + Alt + Y: Repeat find or Go To.
    Ctrl + Alt + Z: Open the "Zoom" dialog box.
    F1: Open the Help pane.
    F3: Insert an autotext entry.
    F4: Repeat the last action.
    F5: Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box.
    F7: Check spelling and grammar.
    F12: Open the "Save As" dialog box.
    Shift + F3: Change the case of letters.
    Shift + F4: Find the next occurrence of the search text.
    Shift + F5: Move to the previous revision.
    Shift + F7: Open the Thesaurus.
    Shift + F12: Save the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F3: Create an AutoText entry.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Edit a bookmark.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the active window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Remove a field code.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F2: Print preview.
    Ctrl + Shift + F3: Cut to the Spike.
    Ctrl + Shift + F4: Close the Word window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Edit a bookmark.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open Word documents.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the Word window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Unlink a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Open the "Word Count" dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Apply hidden text formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + J: Change the text case to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply the "List


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