Browsing "Older Posts"

  • Fundamental of Computer - Device Information

    By Adhyan Guruji → Friday, April 5, 2024


  • Power Point Short Keys

    By Adhyan Guruji → Monday, May 15, 2023

     Power Point 100 Short Keys

    Ctrl + N: Create a new presentation.
    Ctrl + O: Open an existing presentation.
    Ctrl + S: Save the current presentation.
    Ctrl + P: Print the current presentation.
    Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + X: Cut the selected object.
    Ctrl + C: Copy the selected object.
    Ctrl + V: Paste the copied object.
    Ctrl + A: Select all objects in the slide.
    Ctrl + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + I: Apply or remove italic formatting.
    Ctrl + U: Apply or remove underline formatting.
    Ctrl + L: Align the text or object to the left.
    Ctrl + R: Align the text or object to the right.
    Ctrl + E: Align the text or object to the center.
    Ctrl + J: Justify the text or object.
    Ctrl + D: Duplicate the selected object.
    Ctrl + F: Find text or objects within the presentation.
    Ctrl + H: Replace text within the presentation.
    Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + N: Insert a new slide.
    Ctrl + M: Insert a new slide in outline view.
    Ctrl + W: Close the presentation.
    Ctrl + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste the copied formatting to the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply the normal style to the selected object.
    Ctrl + Shift + F: Open the font formatting dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Group the selected objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + U: Ungroup the selected objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Duplicate the selected slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Hide the selected slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Open the Slide Show view.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Start the presentation from the current slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open PowerPoint windows.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the shortcut menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Change the text to title case.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Change the text to all uppercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Change the text to all lowercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning.
    Ctrl + Alt + F9: Show or hide the ruler.
    Ctrl + Alt + F10: Show or hide the gridlines.
    Ctrl + Alt + F11: Show or hide the guides.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9: Recheck spelling.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F10: Display the menu or message for an Error Checking button.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F11: Run the Macro recorder.
    F1: Open PowerPoint Help.
    F5: Start the slide show from the beginning.
    F6: Move to the next pane or frame.
    F7: Check spelling.
    F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Ungroup the selected group of objects.
    Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move to the previous placeholder or shape.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Move to the previous pane or frame.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Show or hide the ruler.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show or hide the gridlines.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Show or hide the guides.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + -: Decrease the font size of selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + +: Increase the font size of selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + &: Apply an outline border to the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + _: Remove the outline border from the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size of selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size of selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove a bulleted list.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply or remove a numbered list.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy formatting of the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste formatting to the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Duplicate the selected slide or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + X: Cut the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Shift + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + W: Close the presentation window.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Save the presentation.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Print the presentation.
    Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the presentation as a new file.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Start the presentation from the current slide.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the "Save As" dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + F1: Open the task pane.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Spell check the selected text or document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the active shape while maintaining its aspect ratio.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Check spelling.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Run the Macro recorder.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Change text to title case.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Change text to uppercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Change text to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Alt + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning.
    Ctrl + Alt + F7: Display the Thesaurus pane.
    Ctrl + Alt + F9: Check grammar.
    Ctrl + Alt + F10: Show or hide the grid and guides.
    Ctrl + Alt + F11: Activate the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document or Excel worksheet.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F10: Display the Research task pane.
  • Excel Short Keys

    By Adhyan Guruji →

     100 Important Short Keys

    Ctrl + N: Create a new workbook.
    Ctrl + O: Open an existing workbook.
    Ctrl + S: Save the current workbook.
    Ctrl + P: Print the current workbook.
    Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + X: Cut the selected cells.
    Ctrl + C: Copy the selected cells.
    Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut cells.
    Ctrl + A: Select all cells in the worksheet.
    Ctrl + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + I: Apply or remove italic formatting.
    Ctrl + U: Apply or remove underlined formatting.
    Ctrl + L: Insert a table.
    Ctrl + R: Fill the rightmost cell of a selected range with the contents of the leftmost cell.
    Ctrl + E: Flash fill the selected range.
    Ctrl + J: Justify the cell content.
    Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + D: Fill down.
    Ctrl + H: Replace content in cells.
    Ctrl + G: Go to a specific cell or range.
    Ctrl + W: Close the workbook.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new worksheet.
    Ctrl + Shift + F: Display the Format Cells dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Insert a page break.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Apply strikethrough formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + U: Toggle uppercase/lowercase of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove filter.
    Ctrl + Shift + F3: Create a name using the names of the selected cells.
    Ctrl + Shift + ~: Apply the General number format.
    Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply the Currency number format.
    Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply the Percentage number format.
    Ctrl + Shift + #: Apply the Date format.
    Ctrl + Shift + @: Apply the Time format.
    Ctrl + Shift + !: Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign for negative values.
    Ctrl + Shift + &: Apply an outline border to the selected cells.
    Ctrl + Shift + _: Remove the outline border from the selected cells.
    Ctrl + Shift + *: Select the current region around the active cell.
    Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys: Extend the selection to the last non-empty cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
    Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select the entire worksheet.
    Ctrl + Shift + End: Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner).
    Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Page Down: Switch between worksheets.
    Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move to the previous worksheet.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Save the workbook.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open workbooks.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks.
    Ctrl + Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Insert a new worksheet.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste special.
    F2: Edit the active cell.
    F4: Repeat the last action.
    F5: Go to a specific cell.
    F7: Spell check the selected text or document.
    F9: Calculate the selected formula.
    F11: Create a chart of the selected data.
    F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
    Alt + =: AutoSum selected cells.
    Alt + Enter: Insert a line break within a cell.
    Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications.
    Alt + Shift + F1: Insert a new worksheet.
    Alt + Shift + Arrow keys: Adjust the column width or row height.
    Alt + Shift + F10: Display the right-click menu.
    Alt + Shift + F11: Insert a new Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet.
    Alt + Shift + F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks.
    Alt + Shift + F3: Create a name using the names of the selected cells.
    Alt + Shift + F6: Switch between open workbooks.
    Alt + Shift + F8: Run a macro.
    Alt + Shift + F11: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
    Alt + Down Arrow: Open a drop-down menu for the selected cell.
    Alt + Up/Down Arrow: Move to the previous or next item in the drop-down menu.
    Alt + Left/Right Arrow: Move to the previous or next toolbar.
    Alt + Page Up/Page Down: Move to the previous or next worksheet.
    Alt + Spacebar: Display the control menu for the Excel window.
    Alt + Enter: Start a new line in the same cell.
    Alt + F1: Create an embedded chart of the data in the current range.
    Alt + F4: Close the Excel application.
    Alt + F8: Open the Macro dialog box.
    Alt + F11: Open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
    Alt + F12: Save As.
    Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply currency formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + #: Apply date formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply percentage formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + ^: Apply exponential formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + @: Apply time formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + !: Apply number formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + &: Apply outline border to selected cells.
    Ctrl + Shift + _: Remove outline border from selected cells.
    Ctrl + Shift + *: Select the current region around the active cell.
    Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys: Extend selection to last non-empty cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
    Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select the entire worksheet.
    Ctrl + Shift + End: Extend selection to last used cell on the worksheet (lower-right corner).
    Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous workbook.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch to the previous workbook window.
    Ctrl + Alt + V: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
    Ctrl + Alt + F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9: Recheck dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F10: Display the menu or message for an Error Checking button.
    Ctrl + Alt + F11: Display the Microsoft Script Editor.
  • Word Short Keys

    By Adhyan Guruji →

    Word Short Keys - ALL

    Ctrl + A: Select all content in the document.
    Ctrl + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + D: Open the Font dialog box.
    Ctrl + E: Align the text or object to the center.
    Ctrl + F: Open the Find dialog box.
    Ctrl + G: Go to a specific page, section, or line.
    Ctrl + H: Open the Replace dialog box.
    Ctrl + I: Apply or remove italic formatting.
    Ctrl + J: Justify the text or object.
    Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + L: Align the text or object to the left.
    Ctrl + M: Indent the paragraph.
    Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
    Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
    Ctrl + P: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Q: Remove paragraph formatting.
    Ctrl + R: Align the text or object to the right.
    Ctrl + S: Save the document.
    Ctrl + T: Create a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + U: Apply or remove underline formatting.
    Ctrl + V: Paste the copied text or object.
    Ctrl + W: Close the document.
    Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text or object.
    Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
    Ctrl + 1: Set single line spacing.
    Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing.
    Ctrl + 5: Set 1.5 line spacing.
    Ctrl + ]: Increase font size.
    Ctrl + [: Decrease font size.
    Ctrl + Enter: Insert a page break.
    Ctrl + Shift + A: Change the selected text to uppercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + B: Apply or remove bold formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + D: Double underline the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + E: Switch the text direction to right-to-left.
    Ctrl + Shift + F: Change the font.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Find and replace with formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Apply or remove highlighting.
    Ctrl + Shift + I: Apply small capital letters.
    Ctrl + Shift + J: Justify the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + K: Format letters as small capitals.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove bullet points.
    Ctrl + Shift + M: Remove a paragraph indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply the normal style.
    Ctrl + Shift + O: Switch the text direction to left-to-right.
    Ctrl + Shift + P: Change the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + Q: Apply or remove the paragraph symbol.
    Ctrl + Shift + R: Align the text to both the left and right margins.
    Ctrl + Shift + S: Apply a style.
    Ctrl + Shift + T: Reduce a hanging indent.
    Ctrl + Shift + U: Switch between uppercase and lowercase letters.
    Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste formatting only.
    Ctrl + Shift + W: Underline words but not spaces.
    Ctrl + Shift + X: Change the selected text to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + Y: Repeat the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo the last action.
    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Apply the heading 1 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Apply the heading 2 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Apply the heading 3 style.
    Ctrl + Alt + C: Copy the formatting of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Alt + D: Insert the current date.
    Ctrl + Alt + E: Track changes.
    Ctrl + Alt + F: Insert a footnote.
    Ctrl + Alt + H: Replace text with a formatted hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + I: Insert a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + K: Format as a hyperlink.
    Ctrl + Alt + L: Apply the list style.
    Ctrl + Alt + M: Insert a comment.
    Ctrl + Alt + N: Insert a page break.
    Ctrl + Alt + P: Insert a picture.
    Ctrl + Alt + Q: Remove paragraph formatting.
    Ctrl + Alt + R: Insert a trademark symbol.
    Ctrl + Alt + S: Split the document window.
    Ctrl + Alt + T: Insert the current time.
    Ctrl + Alt + U: Insert a field code.
    Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste special.
    Ctrl + Alt + W: Underline words but not spaces.
    Ctrl + Alt + X: Insert a non-breaking space.
    Ctrl + Alt + Y: Repeat find or Go To.
    Ctrl + Alt + Z: Open the "Zoom" dialog box.
    F1: Open the Help pane.
    F3: Insert an autotext entry.
    F4: Repeat the last action.
    F5: Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box.
    F7: Check spelling and grammar.
    F12: Open the "Save As" dialog box.
    Shift + F3: Change the case of letters.
    Shift + F4: Find the next occurrence of the search text.
    Shift + F5: Move to the previous revision.
    Shift + F7: Open the Thesaurus.
    Shift + F12: Save the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F3: Create an AutoText entry.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Edit a bookmark.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the active window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Remove a field code.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F2: Print preview.
    Ctrl + Shift + F3: Cut to the Spike.
    Ctrl + Shift + F4: Close the Word window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F5: Edit a bookmark.
    Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open Word documents.
    Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word document.
    Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize the Word window.
    Ctrl + Shift + F9: Unlink a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock a field.
    Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the document.
    Ctrl + Shift + G: Open the "Word Count" dialog box.
    Ctrl + Shift + H: Apply hidden text formatting.
    Ctrl + Shift + J: Change the text case to lowercase.
    Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply the "List
  • Tally Prime (VAT)

    By Adhyan Guruji → Thursday, October 27, 2022

     Tally Prime


    In India GST Introduced on 1st July 2017 but before we use VAT in our invoice for local sales. There is another country which not working with GST they are still using VAT e.g. Bangladesh, Saudi Arab etc...


    ·       Step-1

    Create firm and change the country


























    ·             Fill firm Tin number and activity code after apply tax rate as per country.









    ·       Step-2

    Create – Ledger


    1-    Input Vat @15%




    2-    Output Vat @ 15%









    3-    Purchase













    4-    Sales











    5-    Creditor











    6-    Debtor










    ·       Step-3

    Create - Unit





    Create - Item






    ·       Step-4

    Gateway of Tally – Voucher – Press F9 (Purchase) and F2 for Transaction Date









    Gateway of Tally – Voucher – Press F8 (Sales)








    Check Tax Payable

    Gateway of Tally – Balance Sheet – Press Alt+F1 (Details)




  • Data Encapsulation

    By Adhyan Guruji → Saturday, October 22, 2022




    Encapsulation is the technique of making the fields in a class private and providing access to the fields via public methods. If a field is declared private, it cannot be accessed by anyone outside the class, thereby hiding the fields within the class. For this reason, encapsulation is also referred to as data hiding.

    Encapsulation can be described as a protective barrier that prevents the code and data from being randomly accessed by other code defined outside the class. Access to the data and code is tightly controlled by an interface.

    The main benefit of encapsulation is the ability to modify our implemented code without breaking the code of others who use our code. With this feature, Encapsulation gives maintainability, flexibility, and extensibility to our code.


    Benefits of Encapsulation:


    ·         The fields of a class can be made read-only or write-only.

    ·         A class can have total control over what is stored in its fields.

    ·         The users of a class do not know how the class stores its data. A class can change the data type of a field and

    ·         users of the class do not need to change any of their code.


    class EncapTest


    private String name;

    private String idNum;

    private int age;

    public int getAge()


    return age;


    public String getName()


    return name;


    public String getIdNum()


    return idNum;


    public void setAge(int newAge)


    age = newAge;


    public void setName(String newName)


    name = newName;


    public void setIdNum(String newId)


    idNum = newId;




    class sachin


    public static void main(String args[])


    EncapTest encap =new EncapTest();




    System.out.print("Name : "+ encap.getName()+" Age : "+ encap.getAge() +" ID :"+encap.getIdNum());



    Q- Input value in main function and display Data using below function

    ·         SetEMPname

    ·         SetEMPdesignation

    ·         SetEMPsalary

    ·         SetEMpcommission

    And display

    ·         getEMPname

    ·         getEMPdesignation

    ·         getEMPsalary

    ·         getEMpcommission