• Unit of Memory

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Monday, December 27, 2021
    A- A+

    Unit of Memory

    Memory unit is the amount of data that is stores in the storage unit.

    ·         BIT

    A binary digit is logical 0 and 1 called BIT.


    ·         Nibble

    A group of 4 Bit is called Nibble.


    ·         Byte

    Group of 8 BIT or 2 Nibble is called Byte. A Byte represent Data (Character Value/number value)


    Above unit is smaller units but there is other unit of memory which store higher storage unit as describe below.


    ·         KB (Kilo Byte)

    1 KB     =          1024 Bytes


    ·         MB (Mega Byte)

    1 MB   =          1024 Kilo Bytes


    ·         GB (Giga  Byte)

    1 GB    =          1024 Mega Bytes


    ·         TB (Tera Byte)

    1 TB     =          1024 Giga Bytes


    ·         PB (Peta Byte)

    1 PB     =          1024 Tera Bytes


    ·         EB (Exa Byte)

    1 EB     =          1024 Peta Bytes


    ·         ZB (Zetta Byte)

    1 ZB     =          1024 Exa Bytes


    ·         YB (Yotta Byte)

    1 YB     =          1024 Zetta Bytes


    ·         BB (Bronto Byte)

    1 BB                 =          1024 Yotta Bytes


    ·         Geop Byte

    1 Geop Byte    =          1024 Bronto Bytes


    ·         Sagan Byte

    1 Sagan Byte   =          1024 Geop Bytes



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