• Computer System Software


    Q-6 .Describe Computer System Software & Types of Translator.


    System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications.


    The operating system (OS) is the best-known example of system software. The OS manages all the other programs in computer examples of system software and what each does:


    ·         Operating System - An interface between the user and computer is known as operating system, we also called resource management in place of operating system .an operating system is a software which perform all the basic  tasks like memory management, process management , file management handling the component like  drives , printer etc.. Example of operating system is UNIX, Linux, Windows, and AIX etc...


    ·         TranslatorA program written in high-level language is called as source code. To convert the source code into machine code, translators are needed. A translator takes a program written in source language as input and converts it into a program in target language as output.


    The different types of translator are as follows


    Ø  Compiler-Compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language to low-level language. It translates the entire program and also reports the errors in source program encountered during the translation. Program like C , C++ uses compiler. its execution is faster, debugging is hard because it scan whole program.


    Ø  Interpreter-Interpreter is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language to low-level language. Interpreter translates line by line and reports the error once it encountered during the translation process. Its execution is slower because read one by one line and when error meet it stop, debugging easy because it stop when error occurs. It gives better error diagnostics than a compiler. Program like Python, Ruby,and BASIC uses interpreter.


    Ø  Assembler- Assembler is a computer program which is used to translate program written in Assembly Language in to machine language. The translated program is called as object program. Assembler checks each instruction for its correctness and generates diagnostic messages, if there are mistakes in the program. Various steps of assembling are:
     1. Input source program in Assembly Language through an input device.
    2. Use Assembler to produce object program in machine language.
    3. Execute the program.


    Ø  Linker- linker is a computer program that takes one or more object files generated by a compiler and combines them into one, executable program

    Computer programs are usually made up of multiple modules that span separate object files, each being a compiled computer program. The program as a whole refers to these separately-compiled object files using symbols. The linker combines these separate files into a single, unified program; resolving the symbolic references as it goes along.

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